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Wendy Espeland,
conférencière invitée (Guest Speaker)
Wendy Espeland est professeure de sociologie à l'Université Northwestern. Auteure d'un ouvrage sur la gestion des ressources en eau (The Struggle for Water: Politics, Rationality, and Identity in the American Southwest, 1998) et de nombreux articles (cf. liste), elle poursuit des recherches sur la mesure, la quantification et plus précisément, la commensuration (où une qualité se discute en terme de quantité). En collaboration avec Michael Sauder et avec l'aide de la Fondation Russell-Sage, elle rédige une étude intitulée La peur de déchoir. Comment les palmarès influencent le système éducatif aux États-unis (Fear of Falling: How Media Rankings Changed Legal Education in America). |
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Professor Wendy Espeland works in the areas of organizations, culture, and law. She published a study on resources management in 1998, The Struggle for Water: Politics, Rationality and Identity in the American Southwest. Espeland is currently writing a book about the effects of commensuration, the process of translating qualities into quantities. In it she investigates how media rankings have influenced higher education, how efforts to measure homosexuality have shaped gay and lesbian politics, and the commensurative practices necessary in order to transform air pollution into a commodity that is traded on futures markets. |
Textes disponibles. Open access texts
- 2009. Espeland, Wendy & Michael Sauder, “How Rankings Affect Diversity,” Southern California Review of Law and Social Justice, 18 (3) 587-608.
- 2009. Sauder, Michael & Wendy Espeland. “Rating the Rankings” , Contexts. (Spring)
- 2009. Sauder, Michael & Wendy Espeland. “Fear of Falling: How Rankings Change Legal Education,” 2007. Grants Research Report, 07-02 Law School Admissions Council Research Program.
- 2007. Espeland, Wendy & Michael Sauder “Rankings and Reactivity: How Public Measures Recreate Social Worlds” American Journal of Sociology, 113 (1):1-40.
- 2007. Espeland, Wendy & Berit Vannebo. “Accountability, Quantification and Law,” Annual Review of Law and Social Science. (3), 21-43.
- 2006. Sauder, Michael & Wendy Espeland, "Strength in Numbers? The Advantages of Multiple Rankings,” Indiana Law Journal, 81:205-227.
- 2004. Mitchell Stevens and Wendy Espeland “Commensuration,”Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, 1:375-378.
- 1998. Espeland, Wendy Nelson & Mitchell Stevens. "Commensuration as a Social Process," Annual Review of Sociology, 24: 312-43.
- 1991. Carruthers, Bruce & Wendy Espeland. "Accounting for Rationality: Double-Entry Bookkeeping and the Emergence of Economic Rationality," American Journal of Sociology, 97(1): 31-69, 1991.
- 1984. Espeland, Wendy. "Blood and Money: Exploiting the Embodied Self" in Joseph A. Kotarba & Andrea Fontana (dir.) The Existential Self in Society, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
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